OK so it's official, according to the ultra-sound we are 10w4d (today) but my calendar is set at 10w2d. I have ultra-sound pictures but I have no way to scan them in to add them so Leah is going to be kind enough to scan them for me. So for the time being I will just fill you in on how our first appointment went with the Mid-wife at Rose Medical Center.
I was having a hard time deciding on who I wanted to deliver the baby (a mid-wife or a doctor) and if it was more important to deliver at a hospital that was closer to home. So I finally just scheduled an appointment with a doctor at the Parker Adventist hospital and one with a Mid-wife at Rose Medical Center. The appointment with the Mid-wife was this last Tuesday November 25th. We loved her and decided that is where we are staying, so I cancelled my appointment at Parker Adventist and we are delivering at Rose Medical Center. It may be a little further away than Parker Adventist but I think we are making the right choice.
The appointment was great, I will admit that Chris and I were actually really nervous. This was the first time we were going to see our little peanut. There were a lot of questions of course from us and the doctor so it made things make more since to us on what to expect these next 6 1/2 months. The ultra-sound was amazing! I guess I really didn't know what to expect, I knew we would see the heart beat but as soon as the little one started waiving and kicking it made it all that more real to us and it actually brought a tear to my eye. Chris says that s/he is practicing guitar in there. :-)
Chris and I we are really excited, now that it has all sunk in completely that we are going to be parents. It was a little shocking at first, but what new parent-to-be hasn't been shocked at first (planed or not)? I think we will do just fine (at least I hope so). As for me in the morning sickness area, it has been pretty good. I do feel a little nausea here and there but nothing to bad, I actually haven't even thrown up yet. ;-)
So that's it for now, I will post ultra-sound pictures later this month. I can't wait to share them! :-)